HP Promotions

HP Promotions

Discover our variety of promotions

Poly Phone Cashback

Purchase five (5) or more qualifying Poly phone products and earn up to $75 per unit with the HP Poly Phone Cashback program! For further details please read the Terms & Conditions.

HP 레이저젯 프로모션

Plan Renove PageWide 2023

HP LaserJet Pro Cashback

Up to 50 EUR Cashback with the purchase of an HP LaserJet!
This HP Cashback program is our way of thanking you for choosing HP.

HP Print Cashback

Promocja Cashback – drukarki HP do domu i małego biura

LasetJet plus Toner

HP Inkjet Cashback

Save money - HP OfficeJet Pro Cashback

Purchase a qualifying HP OfficeJet Pro, and benefit from the HP cashback

For further details please read the Terms & Conditions.

HP DesignJet Cashback (Z-series)

HP DesignJet Cashback (T-series)

HP DesignJet Cashback

HP and HyperX Bundle Promotion

HP Elite Notebook Cashback

HP Topaktion

HP DesignJet Cashback


HP DesignJet and Ink Cashback

HP DesignJet Cashback

Sichern Sie sich jetzt bis zu € 500,-- Cashback! Gültig für Käufe von ausgewählten HP DesignJet Druckern.

HP Laptop or Desktop and Monitor Cashback

HP DesignJet Cashback

100,- Euro Cashback

HP OfficeJet wide format Cashback

HP DesignJet Cashback